I've seen this done over at Dandelion Wishes and thought it would be fun.
I hate snow! I always have. You'd think that living in Idaho my entire life that I'd be used to it but nope! The only days I have ever liked snow was when I went out and built snowmen with my dad when I was a kid. Though, we didn't just make snowmen, we made snow dragons, snow crocodiles, etc. One time we attempted to do a Stonehenge but the snow was too powdery and just didn't work.
I am a picky eater. I used to be really bad as a child but I finally started to grow out of it (somewhat) when I entered my late teen years. It drove my mother crazy because I refused to try things based on what it looked like. But don't you worry, I am reaping everything that I sowed from P. That kid is picky beyond belief and meal times are a constant fight. *Sigh* He is even in "Feeding Therapy" in conjunction with his Speech Therapy. It has been working and I think his awesome daycare provider has helped a bunch too! She requires him to eat at least two bites of everything on his plate. He has even learned to like some new things!
I hate to cook. The only time I "like" to make a meal is when I can throw a few ingredients into a casserole dish and toss it in the oven. If the recipe calls for tomatoes or for browning or sauteing anything, I usually toss the recipe to the side.
I have poor sportsmanship. I HATE to lose and usually end up showing it. When J and I were first dating, we were playing an old Nintendo game and I got killed by a flying fish or something. I got so upset that I slammed my fist down on my leg. However, J put his hand on my leg to comfort me in my "death" and I managed to slam my fist onto his hand. I was so embarrassed! I hadn't meant to show him my unsportsmanlike conduct so soon into the relationship! Luckily, his hand