Mark this day in history … P climbed out of his crib for the first time. Now, I know that this is actually pretty good! Most kids climb out much earlier and I am totally aware of that. Due to part laziness and part selfishness on our part, we haven’t transitioned P over to a big boy bed yet. We kind of liked having him “contained.” Anyway, those days are now over.
To preface, I try to take my shower before P wakes up and then I go and get him out of bed. So, I was in the bathroom this morning blow drying my hair and I heard a door slam. It scared the heck out of me because J was at work and, as far as I knew, P was in his bed. Anyway, it turns out P had climbed out of bed and was on the hunt for his momma. I came running out of the bathroom thinking there was a burglar or something and found P running to me. It was quite a shock and surprise!
Anyway, that is the story. I ask you to keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we transition him into his big boy bed. If you have any advice or anything, we would appreciate it! I am not looking forward to him getting out of bed 900 times each night. So, again, let me know if you have any advice.