Today is my sweet husbands birthday. So, I wanted to share 30 things that I love about J.
1. He is DANG cute!

2. He has such an awesome knowledge of and love for the gospel.
3. He is an awesome father.
4. He is an awesome husband who takes such good care of me.
5. I love that J works so hard to provide for us.
6. I love J's sensitive spirit.
7. I love that J is the decorator of our house. I'm not very artsy and don't have the eye for those things, so I'm grateful that he does.
8. I love that J is willing to be silly.

9. I'm so grateful that J holds and honors the priesthood.
10. I love that J is close to his parents.
11. I love to watch J play with P.
12. It melts my heart to see the adoration that P has for his Daddy.
13. It also melts my heart to see the adoration that J has for P.
14. I love that J has a good relationship with my parents and that I have a good relationship with his parents.
15. I love J's eye for photography. Most of the neat pictures you see displayed on this blog have been taken by him.
16. I'm so grateful for J because he works very hard and has a very labor intensive job that wears him out. Yet, he manages to be present with us and play with P.

17. I am in awe of J's artistic talents.
18. J is an amazing drawer with black-and-white pencil and colored pencil.
19. J is an awesome sculptor.
20. J is also an awesome painter.
21. I love J's cheesy grin!

22. I am amazed at J's patience. Maybe it is because I have none, but he truly is the most patient person I know.
23. I love that J has a love for the outdoors and sees the beauty in the earth.
24. I think it is great when J points out trees that need to be pruned as we are driving from here to there.
25. I love that J will just sit with me and talk. He is also so willing to let me just cry on his shoulder if that is what I need.
26. I am proud that he is so dedicated to his family (us and extended family).
27. I have so much fun watching him interact with his brothers. They are true brothers and can get into all sorts of trouble, if we let them!
28. I must say that I love J's muscles.
29. I love J for being such a wonderful person and I love that he tries so hard to do the right thing.
... and last but not least ...
30. I love J because he picked me to be his eternal companion!

I love ya, babe, and I hope you have a fabulous birthday!