Monday, June 29, 2009
Baby Belly Shots -
For those that don't want to see stretch marks, THIS IS NOT A POST FOR YOU!
Now, I'm not that wimpy and I don't mind showing my stretch marks. Actually, I'm not very good with Photoshop and my belly looked even more frightening with my supposed "fix." Anyway, here is my belly as of June 29, 2009.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Our Trip To Walmart -
On Thursday, J's parents came over for a visit. We went to dinner and then stopped at Walmart so Grandma could look for a pattern. I've been having a few contractions here and there and decided that I probably shouldn't walk the whole store. (Besides it wears me out being so pregnant!) I was terribly embarrassed riding in the wheelchair but decided to do it anyway. First of all, I hope I never have to really ride in one because J is a frightening driver! He had me doing wheelies and nearly crashing into posts. I know he was just playing around but I like having control of where I go! ;-) Anyway, here are a couple pictures of the evening.

YIKES! P trying to take me for a spin!
After Grandma found her pattern, we had to run over to the garden center. If you know her at all, you know that she LOVES gardening and looking at the plants. While we were there, we ran into a lady from my ward growing up. She nearly had heart failure thinking that there was something wrong with me. I felt like a nerd and just told her that I was lazy and didn't want to tire myself out. She laughed and told me she sometimes felt the same way. Anyway, I reassured her I was fine. I decided to call my mom when I got home to tell her about the experience. My fear was that someone else saw me and might start spreading rumors. I figured she'd want to hear it from me so she could put a stop to any rumors that might end up floating around.
Anyway, we enjoyed our evening with J's mom and dad. I really appreciate them. They are awesome in-laws and I enjoy spending time with them! One time, when P was maybe 12-14 months old, I was really sick and couldn't really take care of P. Grandma was working but Grandpa drove all the way from Soda and took me and P back to their home. He let me sleep and rest all day and took care of P. Now, if you know Grandpa, that is pretty amazing of him. He isn't much into holding kids and stuff. I was very grateful for his help and it shows me just what an amazing man he is!
I also love Grandma to pieces. She is a wonderful woman and I appreciate her for raising such a wonderful son! She is the best grandma and makes really good treats. A good portion of the grandchildren call her Grandma Sugar for that reason. P simply calls her Sugar. It is really cute to hear him talk about his Sugar and wanting to see her. He always gets very excited when he hears Sugar is coming to visit or when we are going to visit her. She is a very talented woman and I love her.
Thank you for being awesome in-laws! We all love you so much!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Single Digits Baby! -
We are down to single digits! 9 days to go until E arrives! We are very excited and nervous at the same time. I'm just ready to GET HIM OUT! I've reached the point where my garment top won't stay tucked in and my pants won't stay up. I hate that part but at least I only have 9 more days of it!
Funny side note: A friend of mine was once scheduled to be induced at the hospital. She got there only to find out that they had overbooked and they sent her home. HOW RUDE! I've been having nightmares about that and finally put my pride aside and called the doctors office. They reassured me that I am on the schedule . . . first even! Anyway, I went and filled out the pre-registration papers and all that fun stuff today. Now, I don't have to worry about that stuff and I can sit here twiddling my thumbs for the next 8 days. *Sigh* Can you tell I'm ready?!?! ;-)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
What's Up -
Not much is really happening around here. I've been lazy and have not been taking pictures. It has been a crazy couple of weeks. Finances have been REALLY tight lately because I don't have a job and no one wants to hire a big, pregnant gal. Anyway, we thought we'd move downstairs into our basement apartment and rent the upstairs. We can get $400/month for downstairs and $650-$700/month for the upstairs. So, our thought process was that we could certainly use the additional income. So, we got half-way moved downstairs when the tenant, who I had already found, ended up not being able to move in. (Long story short - Poky Housing would have made them sign a year lease and they couldn't do that because he might get transferred with his schooling program before the year was up. Not their fault, just an annoying Poky Housing policy.) We sat there, half upstairs and half downstairs, wondering what to do. We had just finished the remodeling of our family room upstairs and didn't want to rent to just anyone who might end up trashing it. So, we decided back upstairs we go. So it has been a busy couple of weeks of moving our humongous amounts of crap up and down the stairs. I feel so bad for J. He has had to move most of the crap since I can't do much. He is an awesome man and I love him to bits.
On a bright note, J has gotten another commission job from Don Aslett to make a sculpture. (He made another sculpture for Don Aslett 3 1/2 years ago.) We are excited for him to be able to use his talents and bring in some additional cash.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Belly Shots & More -
I decided to take some belly progress shots since the last time was about a month ago. These were taken on June 3, 2009. P wanted in on the action, so he is showing his "baby belly" too!

I decided to use the pictures with P up front because my belly ended up being in the shaded area. Then you won't have to be exposed to my stretch marks. Man, they are bad this time around! :-)

P and I being nerds.

I love my boy! I can't wait to give him his little brother!
After this little photo shoot, we went to dinner with J's parents to celebrate my birthday. J's mom works in garden center at their local store so she was working and couldn't come on my actual birthday. Another cool thing is that J's parents were called as temple workers! I'm so excited for them! When you are a temple worker, you can't have facial hair so J's dad had to shave off his mustache. WEIRD! We've been married for nearly 6 years and I've never seen him without a mustache! J says his dad has had his mustache for 15 or 16 years so this was a big change for him. Here is a picture of J pointing out his dad's naked lip, with a straw, while we were at dinner. (I'm adding this picture so that J's siblings who haven't had the chance to see their father yet can see it. What do you think guys?!?!)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Happy Birthday To Me! -

Yesterday, June 1st, was my birthday. It was a great one. On Sunday, we had family dinner at my parents house where I got my requests for dinner. We had my absolute favorite Chicken and Dumplings and we had my other absolute favorite Raspberry Chocolate Cake. I was in heaven! :-)
On my actual birthday, my mom watched P so that J and I could go shopping in peace. It isn't very fun to shop with him. But all of you probably already know that! Anyway, I've been wanting a new camera that also takes video. I love the camera that we have but it doesn't take video. So, I compiled all of my birthday money and got a new camera! I'm excited. It is an Olympus FE-5010 12 mega pixel. I'm very excited to test it out and share some videos of P and our soon to be here E!
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