Monday, July 27, 2009

Quick Note -

I've been having quite a hard time with postpartum depression/psychosis. I've been staying with J's parents and it has been a true blessing. I'm going to start counseling tomorrow and look forward to getting better. I have been improving but I need some additional help. Since my in-laws don't have Internet, I haven't been able to keep you updated on what has been happening.

On Saturday, July 25th, J and I celebrated our 6th anniversary. We went to dinner and then to the drive-in movie in Soda.

On Sunday, July 26th, P celebrated his 3rd birthday. I took pictures and will update when I am able to go back home.

I want to thank you all for your prayers. You are all wonderful friends and I love you all so much!


Evelyn said...

I'm so sorry sis it's been hard again. i was hoping and praying it would be easier this time. You are still in my thoughts and prayers. Thank goodness you have helpers! I love you!

Aaron and Kira Adams said...

I hope things start to look up for you! Please let me know if there is anything we can do for you!

Jodi said...

There's a great article in the new August Ensign about post partum depression. Don't be afraid or ashamed to take medication if the depression lasts - I know it helped me and I only had to be on it for a short time. Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE YOU!!! Wish there was something I could do to make things better for you. Just remember we are all here for you. let me know if there is anything that we can do. Love you!!