On Saturday, J had to work on his Don Aslett project, so I took the boys to Idaho Falls to keep P out of J's way. My cousin, Jamie, just happened to be celebrating her sons 2nd birthday that day. So we kind of crashed the birthday party with Jamie, John, and their two boys; her sister (my other cousin) Jill and her husband, Levi; and my aunt and uncle (their parents) SuZette and Brian. Anyway, we went to Sizzler and enjoyed a meal with our most favorite, perky waitress. I forget her name but we ALWAYS seem to get her when we go there. She is very nice and very perky and happy! ;-)
Afterward we went to the Tautphaus Park Zoo and had some fun. Believe it or not, living in Idaho all of my life, I had never been. (My mom apologized profusely for being a "neglectful" mother. Whatever!!! You are an awesome mom!)
Here are some pics from the day:

Me trying to pose and P trying to climb on me. It was very uncomfortable and weird!

This is P riding the train at the little "amusement park."

Me "reenacting" the laying/hatching of E.

Peeking over the fence at some birds with Jamie.

How do I look?

P and Aunt Suzi looking for the otters.

Sleepy lion.

Levi and Jill in their nest. No chicks for them ... yet!

P is upset the that lazy otters are sleeping and not swimming!

Humongous turtle!!!

One of my chicks!

Aunt Suzi trying to get P to look the right way! She was very happy that he wanted something to do with her. Usually he won't give her the time of day at Great Grandma Gower's house but that day he did!

P brushing the goats. We were all VERY amazed that he entered the goat pen. He is extremely nervous of animals and bigger dogs so we were completely surprised.

Bryce (the birthday boy), Kyler, and P riding the Tiger.
Not a single picture of E was taken. Ooops! He was sitting contently in his stroller and smiled when he was prompted to. We had a great time! Thank you, Jamie, for letting us crash your birthday party. We had a blast!