I'M HAPPY that we got to celebrate Pioneer Day last weekend! For those who may not know, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints or also known as a Mormon. In the 1800's, the Mormon's were hated and persecuted for their beliefs. They were forced from their homes. They were chased from Kirtland, Ohio to Independence, Missouri. They were then brutalized and chased out again. They took up refuge in Nauvoo, Illinois. They were again chased out of their homes there too. They traveled from Nauvoo all the way to the current day Salt Lake Valley in Utah. We celebrate July 24th as the day they entered into the valley and found their new place to lay down roots.
J had to go out of town to help his parents put new shingles on their roof. So, I'M HAPPY that my mom was willing to go to the Pioneer Day parade with me. I didn't want to go alone with the kiddos. Let's just say that I'm a chicken. ;-)
My favorite "float." Captain Moroni
Covered Wagon
The start of the parade. I always get misty-eyed when I see the flag.
My mom and E showing their respect to the flag. :-) So cute!
I'M HAPPY that Girl's Camp is almost here! My friend, Ellen, and I have been planning this camp for 7 months. I am so ready to just get up there and have a ton of fun! We will being having around 180 teenage girls camping on a mountain. Crazy much?! Maybe, but it was my most favorite time of my youth and I hope to make it the same for them.
I'M HAPPY to have two such cute little boys. July is such a busy month. E turned two on the 2nd and P turned 5 on the 26th! Crazy how time flies.
I'M HAPPY for this summer. I love that it stays light for so long. I love the warm weather. I even more love a good, air conditioned house. I love not having to bundle the kids up when we need to go somewhere. Summer just makes me HAPPY!
I hope you all have a fantabulous weekend! :-)