Holy shnikees! I haven't confessed in a very long time ..... I guess I better get to it!
I went to school this morning with P. They were hosting a "Mom's and Breakfast" for the students. I was excited because P was so darn excited. :-) According to the email that I received, we were going to get Costco muffins. Mmmmm! When we arrived, instead of muffins, we received a tiny, minuscule granola bar and a small milk. What the eff!!!
I CONFESS that I was
downright angry just a tad peeved. For one thing, they didn't give what they promised. But mostly, I was upset to see that
that was going to be P's breakfast for the day. I sure hope he makes it until lunch.
I CONFESS that J and I are going to a church Valentine's party tonight. J is partially in charge of it and hasn't even come up with a game yet. I have a feeling that I will be running the game and have to figure it out on the fly. Why do men always wait until the last moment?
I CONFESS that I am going to get my haircut today! :-) I've had the same haircut since my junior year of high school .... that is 15 years folks. I finally decided to change it up. Want to see my inspiration? (Keep in mind that my hair is short and I can only do so much with it.)
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I CONFESS that I also went and got my ears pierced! Holy makeover, Batman! Knowing that I was going to be getting this haircut, I wanted to make sure I didn't lose my femininity. So, I have some nice
diamond cubic zirconium studs. I am excited for this change! It has been way too long!
I'll make sure to post pictures after!