Sunday, June 29, 2008
I Love Being A Young Women Leader! -
We're Home! -
When we first got there, we left P with his older cousins and all of the adults hopped on J's brothers 4-wheelers and went for a ride in the mountains. It was so much fun and I really want a 4-wheeler now. We pretty much just hung out and ate lots of good food. The next morning we all washed up and took family pictures. J's brother, Shane, is an amazing photographer and I can't wait to see the pictures! I know they are going to look awesome!
P crapped out the second we hopped in the car to head home. Unfortunately, he woke up half way home and was a grump the rest of the way home. We had a lot of fun. We were smart and kept P slathered in sunscreen. Unfortunately, we weren't smart enough because J and I forgot to slather ourselves and we are suffering the consequences.
I just want to thank Maria for putting on a great reunion. We had a ton of fun! (Sorry for the lack of pictures.)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Invincible Shoes ... knock on wood!

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Warren Family Reunion -


More splashing.

We thought that he might like to jump in but he let us know that he didn't want to!
P has to lick each can as he took them out. Pretty gross, but whatever keeps him busy & entertained!

Great view!

Even more splashing!

Sopping wet!
P started dunking his chocolate chip cookie into the water ... GROSS!

Hmm ... where did P go? Just follow the wet footprints!

Tada! He kept throwing the cans back into the tub. Nobody wanted to open a can after that!

Having a spoonful.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Playing In The Sprinklers ... Again -

Check this out!!!

I love playing in the water ... and holding the sprinkler!

Tired and clean. Let's snuggle up with kitty, some milk, a blanket, and a good book!
Sunday -
Afterwards, we headed up to Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Gower's house for a visit. Two of my Aunt's (Jenny and Suzy) were there to visit their dad of Father's Day. Anyway, my mom and I wanted to see them too. P enjoyed getting to play the piano.
P loves to see Great Grandpa Gower. Here he is telling him something really important, I'm sure of it! Usually, there is a small stool that sits next to Grandpa's chair, that he puts his glass of water or Diet Coke on. But when P comes over, it becomes P's stool and he loves to sit next to Great Grandpa!
This other shot of P is just a shot from home a few days ago. He was sitting on the recliner "reading" a magazine, in other words, ripping it up! He looked over and gave me this cheesy grin! I LOVE IT!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Playing In The Back Yard -

This is how he usually plays with Clifford, he just carries it around.

This is why this is an outside toy. It has become a weapon of sorts so we only let him play with it outside. He is still cute.

SHH!! P really likes to tell me to be quiet. I wasn't even doing anything but he had to tell me. He kept doing it several times. It was pretty cute. I'm glad I caught it!

P telling me what's what!! He can be so serious.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
The Past Week -

If Mom doesn't help, P goes sideways!

What a good lookin' kid, even upside down!
P got this cool Clifford toy on wheels. He really loves to sit on it and ride it around.

You can't really tell but P, Kitty, and I are all sitting on Clifford. Well, not really sitting, I think I would have crushed it.

Pardon J's nerd face! ;o) He was making car sounds.
We went to Soda on Monday (the 2nd) and had dinner with J's family. P was loving the Jello and got some on his nose. Such a silly boy!
J and P laughing. They love each other SO much and have so much fun together!