P was trying to talk a squirrel into coming down and sharing his lunch. The squirrel did not oblige.

Please, oh please, come down!
P was trying to talk a squirrel into coming down and sharing his lunch. The squirrel did not oblige.
Please, oh please, come down!
My Middle Name:
My Maiden Name:
My Last Name:
My Age:
Where I'd Like To Visit:
My Favorite Animal:
My Favorite Food:
My Favorite Bad Habit:
My First Job:
Where I Was Born:
Where I Grew Up & Where I Live Now:
What I'm Doing Now:
Poor P. He has nerds for parents.
All of us heading down there hill. Sorry it is so dark.
J getting ready to go down on his feet.
Here is my cute shower curtain ring! I bought them over 7 years ago and finally put them up!
Check out my belly! P has been interested in belly buttons lately and really wanted to see his Grammy's and Uncle Brad's but, lets just say, they weren't all that excited to share! ;o)
Grammy trying to help & P pitching a fit.
Daddy taking a turn. Actually, he was trying to show P but I thought it was pretty cute & funny!
Daddy taught P a bad, new trick. They are playing in the window well at my parents house. Once J took P out, P pitched a fit and wanted back in. Now I'm going to have to keep my eye on him! To make matters worse, P discovered a dead mouse while they were down there and touched it ... barely! Needless to say, he got a thorough hand washing.
P tolerating his mom.
Being a silly goof!
I must say, it looks terrible and black but it is DELICIOUS! My nephews love the black skin and I thought they were crazy but decided to be brave and try it and it was pretty good!
P loves his cousin, Breanna and I'm pretty darn sure that she loves him too! Here they are playing on the riding lawn mower. I think he sat there for a good hour steering and "OOOOHHH"ing.
Here I am just being a nerd. That is my specialty! ;o)
P was tuckered out and fell asleep within 5 minutes of leaving Shane's house. Here are a couple of pictures. He is so cute!