These first three pictures are actually from last Sunday. We have dinner at my parents house every Sunday and on occasion my mom's friend, Becky, comes too.

Having some fun and smiling with Becky!

Pretty soon he pooped out. Such a little cutie.
P LOVES his Becky. He gets very excited when Becky comes to visit and gets MORE excited when we get to go to Becky's house! There are dogs, cats, a horse, and even goldfish in the horse trough. (They keep the algae down, by the way.) Anyway, P loves to go and visit, throw apples at the horse, watch the cats, and get treats. There are always plentiful supplies of cookies, candy, Diet Coke, juice, or pretty much anything. (I must say, I love to go and visit too because I get treats and enjoy her company!)

Was up?!

Our gangsta boy.
Not really, the hat and outfit have Tigger on it. Not very tough and gangster like.

E and Grampy sharing a smile

P showing off his cool sunshine/sunflower toy that Becky gave him.

Lovely picture that P took all by himself. He LOVES his Grammy!

P looking dapper in his Sunday clothes. We left them on so Grammy and Grampy could see how good he looked and then he immediately shed them for a good ole t-shirt and jeans.
I must say, I love going to my parents house on Sunday and not just because they feed us. I totally appreciate that too but I really look forward to spending time with them and sharing their company. They are awesome parents and I couldn't ask for more! I love you guys!