You know . . . I've seen quite a bit in my 11 years in the appraisal business. For those of you who don't know, I work with my dad who is a residential real estate appraiser. I've been working for him since my junior year in high school. I go with him on inspections and help in the office with data input and research. In my 11 years of inspections, I've seen some pretty interesting things. I've seen absolutely beautiful homes and immaculate yards. I've also seen some pretty nasty stuff too. Lets see . . . toilets full of poop. (Yeah . . . gross! The water had been shut off to the house but the tenants/squatters (no pun intended!) still used the toilet anyway.) I've seen dead mice everywhere and have smelled everything from poop to pee to mold. Pretty nasty. I won't even go into the story about the cat urine soaked house in Soda Springs. I still shudder and shiver at the thought of it. We went into a home in Preston, ID that had mold growing on the basement walls. It seriously looked like carpet on the walls! I swear I am not exaggerating! I won't even mention the mirrored ceiling above the master bedroom bed . . . oh wait, I just did!
I've encountered all sorts of animals including snakes, which I have a terrible phobia of. I've had loose ferrets run across my feet, a loose iguana scare the crap out of me in a kitchen, and a wild cat jump on my back as I walked past it!
Sadly, I haven't been smart enough to document some of the atrocities that I have seen . . . . . UNTIL NOW!!! Well, I guess this isn't necessarily an atrocity as it is just plain weird and funny! My dad and I went into a house today. It is extremely old and has been added on to several times. This is the "master bathroom." Lovely, isn't it?

I don't know what in the heck they were thinking! My dad and I laughed so hard! We've seen a lot of things but seeing this toilet sitting the way it was is totally a first! I hope you get a kick out of it as much as we did!
Very Interesting. VEEEEEERRRRRy Interesting!
That is HILARIOUS!!!!! I can't believe that they would pu the toilet that way! HAHAHAAHA!! Thanks for the chuckle.
I tried to picture it in my mind when you called from outside the house, but it was much roomier in my mind...
That is funny! I'm so glad you got a picture of it!
Ok now that is funny! That's the craziest thing I've ever seen!
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