This is just a picture of my boys hanging out watching TV. (Probably Spongebob.)
How did we get such a cute kid?! We are so blessed.
Having so much fun.
Grammy, Grampy, P, & Great Granny. As you can see, they are watching something very serious.
Pointing with his Great Grammy at the football players.
This is P with his very own remote control. He wanted to watch Spongebob Squarepants SOOOOO bad but they were watching football. He kept trying to change the channels and was grunting loudly in frustration because it wouldn't work. ( No batteries. ;o) ) P is such a funny kid and has such a cute character. We love him to bits ... but I think you already knew that! ;o)
I think Jonathan is the cutest little boy, besides P, of course! I think he is a miniature Carli ... but a boy version!
Carli has been a really good friend and I just want to thank her for that. I miss her so much and hope that Mike will one day consider moving to Idaho! (I know his response is not a chance in heck!) Anyway, I just had to share. Anyone else who wants to share their love of Carli is very welcome. I'll make sure she reads the comments!
Trying to kiss Jack, my parents dog. Jack is such a good dog and pretty tolerant. He wasn't in the mood for kisses (and never is) and gave P a hard time. (I love my mom's smoochy lips in the background!)
This is us watching General Conference. P only sat still for about 2 minutes and that was it! Typical toddler for ya!
Cute family, if I do say so myself!
P spent a good portion of General Conference sitting on this stool that was upside down. He was making it buck like a horse and was having a grand time!
I think it is time to bring in P's big wheel!
J had to spend the entire day, yesterday, out in this cold weather. His brother is building a house and needed help setting up the forms for the foundation that they will be pouring on Monday. (Good luck with that! :o) ) Anyway, he was pretty cold when he got home so he spent the evening cuddled under a blanket. P wanted to join in on the fun and I just had to get some pictures of it!
I love my boys so much!
P loves his Daddy SO MUCH! They are best buds!
Getting frustrated because his scalloped potato is stuck deep in the "spoon" and he can't reach it.
Typing away and looking at his picture that we have as our wallpaper!
I just had to add this picture because I love it so much! It was taken back in February (2008).