Saturday, October 4, 2008

Shovelin' It In! -

P managed to bring his sand shovel (that has never been used in sand) to dinner and we didn't realize it until he started using it as his spoon. It was really cute.

Getting frustrated because his scalloped potato is stuck deep in the "spoon" and he can't reach it.


Darci and Ryan said...

He sure is cute! It's so funny to see what kids come up with.

Marta said...

He is so quick to change from smiling to total frustration, wonder where he got that from????

Katy Schepis Edmondson said...

That is really funny!!!!!

Lacey and Jeremy Briscoe said...

what a cutie! Love the frustrated pic!

Anonymous said...

What's the big deal, he used shovels to eat at our house all the time!! j/k You've got your hands full with that creative kid! Good luck.

brandya said...

Preston and I would make great friends: we have the same eating mentality! Where did he hide the shovel while you were putting him in the seat?

K Lind said...

He must have been sitting on it or something.

Grafulas said...

Ha, these pictures are great! So I lied about not being able to get on your blog... I don't know why it wouldn't let me accept the invitation, but apparently if I just type in the address I'm good. I think we might have a lurker on our site, so I'm thinking about going private. How'd you do it?

Talea Sedgwick said...

So cute! Hey - I just tagged you. Check out my blog to see it!