Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The Many Faces of P -
Friday, March 27, 2009
Dueling Bellies & Other Stuff -

Dueling Bellies 2006 (I'm about 21 weeks.)

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Rare Moments of Craftiness

Sunday, March 22, 2009
Fun With The Girls -

Weirdo, pregnant woman playing on the toys.

I've never seen such a big swing with a buckle. (Maybe I don't get out much.) Anyway, I just had to sit in it for a pic ...

Jill's hubby, Levi, came to play and P had Levi wrapped around his little finger. It was pretty cute.
Heading down the slide with Kyler behind trying to scare his Uncle Levi.

This pic is especially for Jill because I knew she was pleased with her armpit shot! ;-) Love you, Jilly bean!

Sisters having way too much fun!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I Have A Question
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Unexpected Project & Some Other Pics -

We've been sick at our house off and on for about three weeks. P has been housebound for the past week (due to bronchitis and a sinus infection) and has been going stir crazy. The other day it was warm enough to be outside for a little while so we decided to let him play for a bit.

Friday, March 13, 2009
Mormon Ad -
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Baby Bump and Stuff -

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Happy Birthday Maria! -

It became a smooch fest because Andrew wanted to kiss his dad. What fun!
After lunch, we went back to Steven and Maria's house and hung out for a bit and had birthday cake. Overall, it was a great day. I love being close (in proximity) to most of J's family and being able to celebrate with them. They are awesome and I feel so blessed to have brothers and sisters!
Here is P playing with an old phone. It kept him busy for quite a while!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
This Past Week -

We've been slowly drywalling our family room. I'm not much help but I try. I usually stand on a chair and hold the drywall while J screws it on. The other day I decided to stand on the desk and use my back and head to hold it. Now, don't think that I have an abusive husband. He didn't leave me there struggling to get a picture. The drywall was screwed on enough that it would hold by itself but I wanted a picture for prosperity's sake!