Okay, P got Wall*E for Christmas and we've watched it several times because J and I like it and are excited for something new to watch with P. Anyway, every time EVE comes onto the screen, P calls her "Momma!" I don't know if I look like a robot or if I'm just nice and gentle like she is. Who knows?! I just had to share.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas With J's Family -
The snow was too bad on Christmas Day so we ended up waiting and going the next morning to Soda. We were able to spend time with J's parents. We also spent time with J's sister, Maria, & her family and J's brother, Patrick, & his family. It was great to see them all. J's brother, Shane and his family spent Christmas frolicking in the snow up in Yellowstone National Park. BRRR! More power to 'em! I'm too wimpy! J's sister, Heather, & her family live in Colorado and got stuck by snow and sick kids so we didn't get to see them. DANG IT!
Anyway, we had lots of fun. We had a very yummy dinner and opened presents. My nephew, Andrew, and his parents got a Wii for Christmas from Santa. They were awesome and brought it with them so we got to play it! FINALLY! I've been dying to try a Wii and finally got to! SO FUN! I want one so bad but that just isn't in our finances right now. *Sigh* Here are some pics of the day:
Christmas with My Family -
We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas morning with my family. On Christmas Eve, we went up to my Granny Teeples house and had dinner and watched part of the First Presidency Christmas Devotional. It was pretty neat. The snow was so bad that Granny Teeples and Grandma & Grandpa Gower couldn't join us for breakfast on Christmas morning. J dug us out, see that post below, and we went to my parents. We had breakfast and then opened presents. P got the movie Wall*E so we watched that. It was our first time seeing it and J and I both loved it! P was dead set on watching "Shish" (Finding Nemo) so we watched that after. Here are some pics of P opening some presents.
Grammy and Jack are helping P discover the sounds his new book makes!
I'm Down To 2 Jobs!
Here are a couple pictures of me in my Shopko garb! My last day was Christmas Eve and I have mixed emotions. I really liked the people I worked with and will miss them a lot, but I am very happy to be done with it too! I'm ready to start working with my dad more again! Business has picked up again so hopefully all goes well!

Christmas Morning Snow & My New Surprise! -
So, we have had a TON of snow lately! Christmas morning was pretty crazy! We were spending time with my family in the morning and then we were going to head to Soda to be with J's family. Unfortunately, the snow stopped us. But, we were able to go to Soda the next day. So we were happy! :o)

P wanted to help his daddy so we put on his snow suit. THANKS AUNT MARIA FOR THE HAND-ME-DOWN! We got it just in time!


Thursday, December 18, 2008
Man, it has been a while since my last post! We have had a crazy few weeks. I am currently working three jobs and haven't had much time to do anything else. I am still working with my dad appraising homes. I got a seasonal sales job at ShopKo but will be leaving that as soon as Christmas is over. Finally, I just got hired to be a bookkeeper at Smith's grocery store. I plan on working at Smith's and with my dad. They will work together nicely ... I hope! Anyway, here are some pictures from the last couple weeks.

J decided to make P a bed. We actually got the headboard at the DI and fixed it up. J actually made the decorative embellishments and then painted it.

Here is me and P enjoying the fruits of J's labor. We don't have a proper quilt for his bed yet, hence the pink yarn!

Here is a full view of the bed.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
The Baby's First Picture! -

Okay, most of you know that I had to take fertility medicine, Clomid, to get pregnant with our newest little one. There has been much speculation on whether I would have twins or more. (*Cough Cough* Lyndsey Jordan!!!!) To my great relief, I can assure you that there is one healthy baby! I'm sure I would have loved two or more but I think I would have stressed out too. Anyway, the doctor says the baby looks good and the heart beat looks strong! We are so excited and wanted to share it with you!
On a side note, P seems to be terrified of everything lately. He is even terrified of the heat vent in the floor of his room. He cries like crazy when we try to put him to bed. Have any of you gone through this and, if so, what have you done? I need some advice.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Harry Potter Mania!!!
I am SOOOOO excited for the new Harry Potter movie! It stinks that we still have to wait until July 17th to see it but I just had to share this new trailer that I saw! Three cheers for Harry Potter!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving! -
I hope you all had a very happy Thanksgiving! We did. We went to Soda and ate and ate and ate! I wasn't feeling very good (morning ... actually day sickness!) so I didn't take any pictures. Sorry about that. I think we had about 30 people squeezed into my in-laws house. It was really fun though and I am so grateful for such a wonderful family!
I love this time of year and the reminder that I get. I think I'm pretty good about being grateful all year long but it is nice to have such a special time to think and ponder about what you are grateful for!
By the way, I have to be to work at ShopKo at 4:45 AM in the morning for the dreaded Black Friday. So, if you are out shopping at that crazy hour, remember to come visit me and be nice to your fellow shoppers! ;o)
I love this time of year and the reminder that I get. I think I'm pretty good about being grateful all year long but it is nice to have such a special time to think and ponder about what you are grateful for!
By the way, I have to be to work at ShopKo at 4:45 AM in the morning for the dreaded Black Friday. So, if you are out shopping at that crazy hour, remember to come visit me and be nice to your fellow shoppers! ;o)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Not Much Going On -
There isn't much going on in our neck of the woods. We decided to watch The Lion King with Pto discover that it was too scary. It is amazing how you don't realize how serious and sometimes scary children's movies can be! The poor little man even squeezed out a tear! So we immediately stopped it and put in Veggie Tales. I think he should be okay now! ;o)
Things are going pretty good for me. I've been more sick with this pregnancy than I ever was with P. It makes me wonder if it will be a girl?! I'm also working as a cashier at ShopKo, in addition to working with my Dad, and I enjoy it. It is fun to see a lot of people that I know. I'm still serving in the Young Women as the Mia Maid Advisor and I really enjoy it. We have really good girls and they make it fun.
P is growing like a weed and progressing all the time. He is spouting out more and more words and he is such a cutie pie! I know I say it all the time, but it's true!
J is doing well. His job at Culligan keeps him busy and muscular, which I enjoy! ;o) We've decided that he needs a new suit coat because his shoulders have become more muscular. He ended up busting a seam at church today. Oops! J is such a good husband and man! I love him so much and feel so blessed every day for being able to be married to him. He takes such good care of me and has been especially good since I've been pretty nauseous lately. I am one lucky and blessed girl!
Sorry for the lack of pictures, I'll try and take some this week! I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving! Oh, and Happy Birthday to my awesome mom on the 26th! I love you, Mom!
Things are going pretty good for me. I've been more sick with this pregnancy than I ever was with P. It makes me wonder if it will be a girl?! I'm also working as a cashier at ShopKo, in addition to working with my Dad, and I enjoy it. It is fun to see a lot of people that I know. I'm still serving in the Young Women as the Mia Maid Advisor and I really enjoy it. We have really good girls and they make it fun.
P is growing like a weed and progressing all the time. He is spouting out more and more words and he is such a cutie pie! I know I say it all the time, but it's true!
J is doing well. His job at Culligan keeps him busy and muscular, which I enjoy! ;o) We've decided that he needs a new suit coat because his shoulders have become more muscular. He ended up busting a seam at church today. Oops! J is such a good husband and man! I love him so much and feel so blessed every day for being able to be married to him. He takes such good care of me and has been especially good since I've been pretty nauseous lately. I am one lucky and blessed girl!
Sorry for the lack of pictures, I'll try and take some this week! I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving! Oh, and Happy Birthday to my awesome mom on the 26th! I love you, Mom!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Who Knew Nemo Was Scary? -
On Sunday, we were at my parents house for dinner and some family time. Usually, my dad always has some type of sports on the TV. He ended up going to Stake Choir practice so, in a very rare occasion, the TV was free! ;o) (You know I love ya Dad!) Anyway, P had found their Finding Nemo DVD and has been pestering to watch it for that last couple of weeks. We finally found our opportunity and decided to watch it. Lets just say that P was glad to have his Grammy near him. He was pretty scared of the sharks and of whenever Marlin and Dory were in danger. We took some cute pictures of him comforting his Grammy and of him really getting the comfort.

Friday, November 14, 2008
My Good Man Tag -
1. Where did you meet your husband? - Idaho State University math class.
2. How long did you date before you got married? - Friends 3 months, dated 3 months, engaged 3 months.
3. How long have you been married? - 5 years this past July.
4. What does he do to surprise you? - The other day I came home from work to a cleaned living room, kitchen, dining room, AND bathroom! So sweet and cool!
5. What is your favorite feature of his? - His handsome face & sweet personality.
6. What is your favorite quality? - He is patient with me and he makes me laugh.
7. Does he have a nickname for you? - He always comes up with really weird, off-the-wall ones. My favorite is Fluffer (where that came from, I don't know). He does call me Sweetie too.
8. What is his favorite food? - He is loving the new mushroom swiss burger from Wendy's at the moment.
9. What is his favorite sport? - He isn't much of a sports fan. Give him Discovery Channel or The History Channel and he is a happy camper.
10. When and where did you first kiss? - Our first kiss was when were were sitting on my parents couch in the living room. I was nervous and giggling and he tried to wait for me to stop. I couldn't stop so he just went in for it anyway. Pretty cute.
11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? - Just hang out, talk, and laugh. We do like to go for drives and to an occasional movie. We haven't gone to a movie for months though! Hmmm ... I think another sleepover for P at Grammy's house is in order! ;o)
12. Do you have children? Yep. 1 boy and another on the way!
13. Does he have any hidden talents? - He is an awesome artist! Drawing, painting, sculpting, woodwork, etc. You name it, he can do it! I LOVE IT!
14. How old is he? - The big 2-9
15. Who said I love you first? - He did.
16. What is his favorite music? - Any music by English artists like Sting, Phil Collins, & Coldplay.
17. What do you admire most about him? - How much he loves. He takes such good care of me and P. He is an AWESOME daddy and I tell our Heavenly Father everyday how grateful I am for him. I also admire how hard he works for us. He has a really hard labor job and I feel so bad for how tired he is by the end of the week. I hope I tell him enough just how grateful I am for him!
18. What is his favorite color? - Blue
19. Will he read this? - Eventually, I think he checks the blog once a week or so.
20. People I tag - Whomever wants to share the love of their awesome man and/or wife! You men out there are welcome to blog too! :o)
2. How long did you date before you got married? - Friends 3 months, dated 3 months, engaged 3 months.
3. How long have you been married? - 5 years this past July.
4. What does he do to surprise you? - The other day I came home from work to a cleaned living room, kitchen, dining room, AND bathroom! So sweet and cool!
5. What is your favorite feature of his? - His handsome face & sweet personality.
6. What is your favorite quality? - He is patient with me and he makes me laugh.
7. Does he have a nickname for you? - He always comes up with really weird, off-the-wall ones. My favorite is Fluffer (where that came from, I don't know). He does call me Sweetie too.
8. What is his favorite food? - He is loving the new mushroom swiss burger from Wendy's at the moment.
9. What is his favorite sport? - He isn't much of a sports fan. Give him Discovery Channel or The History Channel and he is a happy camper.
10. When and where did you first kiss? - Our first kiss was when were were sitting on my parents couch in the living room. I was nervous and giggling and he tried to wait for me to stop. I couldn't stop so he just went in for it anyway. Pretty cute.
11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? - Just hang out, talk, and laugh. We do like to go for drives and to an occasional movie. We haven't gone to a movie for months though! Hmmm ... I think another sleepover for P at Grammy's house is in order! ;o)
12. Do you have children? Yep. 1 boy and another on the way!
13. Does he have any hidden talents? - He is an awesome artist! Drawing, painting, sculpting, woodwork, etc. You name it, he can do it! I LOVE IT!
14. How old is he? - The big 2-9
15. Who said I love you first? - He did.
16. What is his favorite music? - Any music by English artists like Sting, Phil Collins, & Coldplay.
17. What do you admire most about him? - How much he loves. He takes such good care of me and P. He is an AWESOME daddy and I tell our Heavenly Father everyday how grateful I am for him. I also admire how hard he works for us. He has a really hard labor job and I feel so bad for how tired he is by the end of the week. I hope I tell him enough just how grateful I am for him!
18. What is his favorite color? - Blue
19. Will he read this? - Eventually, I think he checks the blog once a week or so.
20. People I tag - Whomever wants to share the love of their awesome man and/or wife! You men out there are welcome to blog too! :o)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Change Of Plans -
Hey all! If you haven't noticed my new widget to the right, I'M PREGNANT!!!!! Yeah! It kind of looks like an alien right now but that is okay. I'm 6 1/2 weeks along and doing good. My due date is July 4th. I haven't been sick yet and hopefully I can avoid it! Josh and I are really excited.
Now for the change in plan, I've decided that the job that I got was just too stressful. My first priority is to keep this pregnancy safe and stay healthy. So, I've decided to not continue and waste their time. I know it seems kind of premature but a lot of prayer and consideration went into my decision.
Anyway, I just had to share! We are so very excited for this baby ... as for P ... we'll see how he does when it comes. I'm pretty sure he will be an awesome brother but I anticipate some jealousy and hard times ahead for him. He doesn't like to share his mom and dad. Ah, life with kids, I guess!
Now for the change in plan, I've decided that the job that I got was just too stressful. My first priority is to keep this pregnancy safe and stay healthy. So, I've decided to not continue and waste their time. I know it seems kind of premature but a lot of prayer and consideration went into my decision.
Anyway, I just had to share! We are so very excited for this baby ... as for P ... we'll see how he does when it comes. I'm pretty sure he will be an awesome brother but I anticipate some jealousy and hard times ahead for him. He doesn't like to share his mom and dad. Ah, life with kids, I guess!
Monday, November 10, 2008
I Got A Job!
Yippee!!!!! I got a job! First of all, I need to fill you in on a little back story. On Halloween, we went to my parent's ward Halloween party. While we were eating our soup, we sat next to Bill and RaNae McKee and their family. I told him that I was on the job hunt and that if he had any openings to keep me in mind. I decided to sell myself and tell him I had an associates degree in Medical Office Technology. He seemed impressed by that but that was how our conversation was left.
Much to my surprise, Bill called me this morning! He had an opening for a part-time receptionist and wanted to know if I wanted it. I said HECK YEAH! Well, actually I was a little more professional but still really excited. I went in today and started getting trained. For those who don't know, Bill McKee is a counselor and has his own company, Center Counseling. He has several (and I mean several!!!!) other counselors who work for him so it is a BUSY and HOPPING place!
I'm really overwhelmed by it all but I know I will learn it all eventually. I'm pretty pumped. I was really close to accepting a minimum wage job at ShopKo when he called. Hmmm ... I think the Lord might have had something to do with it! ;o) ShopKo would have been fine but I really did not want to work Sundays and holidays. Now, I don't have to!
Anyway, I'll stop blabbing. I just had to share my good news.
Much to my surprise, Bill called me this morning! He had an opening for a part-time receptionist and wanted to know if I wanted it. I said HECK YEAH! Well, actually I was a little more professional but still really excited. I went in today and started getting trained. For those who don't know, Bill McKee is a counselor and has his own company, Center Counseling. He has several (and I mean several!!!!) other counselors who work for him so it is a BUSY and HOPPING place!
I'm really overwhelmed by it all but I know I will learn it all eventually. I'm pretty pumped. I was really close to accepting a minimum wage job at ShopKo when he called. Hmmm ... I think the Lord might have had something to do with it! ;o) ShopKo would have been fine but I really did not want to work Sundays and holidays. Now, I don't have to!
Anyway, I'll stop blabbing. I just had to share my good news.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Mark This Day In History -
I want to mark this day in history. P got into his first "almost fight" with another little boy. We were at the mall, in the little play area, and this other boy was about 3, if that. Anyway, he was kind of bullying some other kids and pushing them out of the way. He did it to P and P pushed back. They both started "boxing" their hands and acting like they were going to fight. No blows were actually landed or anything. The little boys dad and I got there in time to break it up. I'm amazed at P. Usually, he is kind of timid around lots of other children but he totally stood up for himself. Of course, he was scolded about not hitting and pushing but secretly I was proud that he stood up for himself! Am I bad for feeling that way? I hope not. Anyway, I just had to share.
Monday, November 3, 2008
With Great Regret ... -
With great regret, we wanted to inform you of our cool Spongebob pumpkin's death. He lived a good life, an entire week, before being murdered by some rude neighbor kid. We got home from grocery shopping tonight to find the crime scene. I wanted to draw a chalk line around it but it was raining! Actually, I am amazed the our pumpkin lived this long. I will now lead you in a moment of silence ........................................ Thank you for your support!
On a lighter and more serious note, here is a cute picture of P in his Sunday duds. He wasn't in the mood to smile but he still looks cute!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Our Halloween Day -
We went to Costco to look around and P threw the biggest tantrum EVER! He wanted one of those battery powered cars that he can ride in. $300 ... I THINK NOT! Anyway, after he finally calmed down we went to visit P's Great Grandparents. First we stopped at Great Granny Teeples house and got all sugared up. Then we stopped over at Great G'ma and G'pa Gower's house to show off our cute bee. He continued to get sugared up! Then we made a quick stop at my parents house while we were waiting for their ward's Halloween party to start. I wanted to dress up for Halloween but didn't have much $$$. I found this SEXY purple wig for $5.00 and decided I would wear that. It itched SO BAD!

Anyway, J was "jealous" and wanted to try it on too. I think he looks pretty cute ... and silly!
After the ward Halloween party, we drove to a few friends houses in our ward so that P could trick-or-treat. This picture is of P once we got home. He was trying so hard to get some of his candy open. We've had to hide it and let him have it in moderation! ;o)

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Carving Pumpkins -
So, we carved a pumpkin for Family Home Evening this week. I've been looking forward to it because I thought P would enjoy it. He ended up being pretty bored with it and wanted to watch Cars (his current obsession). Also, he kept saying it was "scawy" the whole time. I think he learned that word from his cousin, Whitney, and his friend, Taylor. I tried to get him to touch the "guts" but he was not interested. Anyway, J and I had a good time.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I Need A Job!
With the economy the way it is right now, work for me and my dad has slowed down to a snail's pace ... probably even slower. We work on commission so that means our paychecks are pretty small lately. So I've decided to bite the bullet and look for another part-time or even full-time job. Does anyone local know of anything or have any suggestions for me? I'd appreciate anything you may know about!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Just a quick note to all who commented on our lovely friend Carli. She finally saw the comments and made a comment of her own. I thought you all would like to see what she said, so scroll down and find that post! Have a great day!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Grandma Sugar's Annual Halloween Party -
Every year J's mom has a Halloween party. We get the kids together and dress them up in their costumes. We make homemade glazed donuts (YUMMY!!!!) and gorge ourselves on them, cookies, and other yummy treats.
J's sisters, Heather and Maria, made a yummy taco soup. For those who may not know, I have been a very picky eater ever since I was really little ... which has driven my mom crazy. Anyway, I've gotten better as I've gotten older. I was brave enough to actually try the taco soup and I liked it a lot! I still didn't eat the chunks of tomatoes but I did like it. Thanks Heather and Maria!
I think we have started a new tradition where the women will be making a craft. We started making a really cute rag doll. I even participated and sewed on the sewing machine. It was a lot of fun. We aren't done with it yet but when we are, I'll post a picture of my doll. Anyway, here are some pictures from the day:

J's Grandma's 90th Birthday Party -
J's grandmother will be having her 90th birthday next week and we had a party for her on Saturday. She got some beautiful roses but more importantly she was surrounded by a lot of family. We had fun getting to visit and see Grandma. I love this woman! She is so sweet. One funny thing, when J gave her a hug goodbye she bit him on the ear teasingly. Unfortunately, she bit harder than she meant to. No blood was drawn but we all had a good laugh!
Our Buzzing Bee -
We had a ward Halloween party on Friday. It is always the best attended party of the year and I love to attend to see all of the cute costumes. My cute friend, Carrie, made her sons costumes. Liam, 2, was a centaur (half man - half horse) and Julian, 6 months, was an ice cream cone! Those were just come of my favorites. Here are some pictures:
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