Don't get me wrong, I love trees and all but this tree was ugly. (I wish I had been smart enough to take a before picture. *Drat!*) Anyway, this blue spruce pine tree had been planted too close to the house and was rubbing against the house and roof. I didn't want to risk a possible leak in the roof and I was tired of the pitter patter of squirrels running on top of our house. Who knows what they could be doing up there! Can squirrels ruin roofs? I know they can chew through phone lines so I didn't want to take the risk. Anyway, we decided to cut it down and when I say "we" I mean we hired a professional to do it! There is a guy in our ward, Shane Arnold, who does landscaping and stuff so we had him do it. FYI- For all those that went to high school with me, Shane is married to Amber Jackman! She is the primary president in our ward and they have three kids. Small world, huh?!
Wow, crazy! It is a small world, and congrats on battling the tree! Don't you love those little jobs!
Glad it's gone and everyone is safe. You don't have a land line, so I am unsure of your concern there...but the dish satellite!? That's it isn't it! Loves
Don't you feel a little bad about taking away the squirls home? ;) Good thing your hired someone to take it out for you...a lot less chance of it landing on your roof!
I don't feel bad about taking away the squirrels homes, because we still have 6 other trees on our property! Crazy, huh?! Also, we did hire a professional for that very reason, we didn't want a hole in our roof!!!
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